CCTC Nursing Student Reflects on COVID-19

Central Carolina Technical College Nursing Student &
Clemson Alumnae Jane Elizabeth SegArs reflects on COVID-19

What inspired you to attend the CCTC nursing program?CCTC Student Jane Elizabeth Segars

After graduating with my Bachelor’s of Science from Clemson University, I felt like there was still a gaping hole in my life. I applied to Clemson’s nursing program my freshman year and unfortunately was turned away as I was enrolled in the college of business at the time. I knew I wanted to help people in a colossal way, but I was a senior about to graduate and a bit confused. I chose Central Carolina because I knew it was the real deal. Their pass rate is as competitive, if not more competitive, than the four-year programs across the state, so I knew CCTC was the choice for me. I considered applying to other programs across the state, lacking in some prerequisites might I add, but I checked all the boxes to apply for Central’s distinguished nursing program.

While I was applying in May of 2018, I found out one of my dearest friends from high school was also applying for the same semester and knew right then this was where I was supposed to be. My mother, who is an educator, always spoke highly of the college, and she encouraged me to apply with a week left before the deadline. I was determined to follow my dreams and pursue my career choice through Central Carolina. My advisor and the department chair, Susan Caulkins at the time, were incredibly informative and patient throughout my application process which gave me a sense of peace about CCTC’s program.

What are your plans after graduation?

My plan after graduation involves a move to Charleston. I would love to work in labor and delivery or with pediatrics. I am open to any job though as I am a young nurse who is just grateful to even have made it thus far. While working, I plan to achieve my Bachelor’s of Nursing then my Master’s or APRN.

How are you feeling mentally during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Currently speaking, I am quarantined for two weeks as I was exposed at work to two patients who were deemed positive. I am remaining optimistic about the virus as we will overcome this as a state and nation. Although I would be lying if I said there was no skepticism involved about what the future may hold, I am confident the choices to be made are for my best interest.

Do you feel CCTC has adapted well? What does this time look like for you with classes and clinicals?Nurses Class of 2020

CCTC did the right thing by following the governor’s orders and closing the school for two weeks. The best way to combat this virus is social distancing. Currently, I am enrolled in 4 courses, three of which were already online. No major changes were made with those online courses. I was worried I was not going to be able to graduate on time since I am unable to go into the hospital currently due to COVID-19, but thankfully, a solution was found for us 5th semester students. My main nursing course this semester is taking a huge impact, as we are having to adapt from precepting within the hospital to virtually online. Ms. Mulloy and Mrs. Lauzon have done an excellent job at providing as much information and news as it comes forth.

What do you want to tell prospective students?

Take a chance into the unknown. Life is hard and scary at times when it comes to a career choice, but I can guarantee, if you put your heart and mind to it, it can be done. Take school seriously, but also know when a mental break is needed.


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