Alcohol and Other Drug Use Policy/Information (PDF)

Grievance Form (PDF)

Grievance Procedure (PDF)

Student Code for Sexual Violence and Harassment (PDF)

Academic Integrity Honor Code

Central Carolina Technical College affirms the values of excellence, integrity, and innovation. Academic integrity is an important element of our values. The Academic Integrity Honor Code holds students to high academic and personal behavior standards. The Academic Integrity Honor Code emphasizes the importance of academic integrity, personal pride, honor and accountability; and these are the standards by which students are expected to adhere to in the academic environment whether or not they are explicitly asked in advance to do so.

  • I pledge the work in this course will be my own.
  • I pledge not to allow others to copy or present my work as their work.
  • I pledge not to commit any acts of plagiarism.
  • I pledge to cite and reference any work obtained from resources.
  • I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal to gain academic advantage.
  • I pledge to oppose every instance of academic dishonesty.
  • I understand that any act of academic dishonesty is a direct violation of the Student Code and will have consequences, up to and including failing the course, as outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Acceptable Use Agreement For Computing Resources

Acceptable Use – The use of computing resources must be in support of official College business or education and research and must comply with federal, state, local and college laws, regulations and policies.

Privileges – The use of computing resources is a privilege. By participating in the use of these resources, you agree to be subject to and abide by this Acceptable Use Agreement. Willful violation of this agreement will be treated as misconduct and subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Illegal or immoral activities will be reported to proper authorities.

General Use Rules for Computing Resources:
1. Wear your Central Carolina ID when using computers on campus.
2. Follow established procedures when your use computers on campus.
3. Protect your myCCTC username and password by not allowing others to access it.
4. Conserve expensive resources by avoiding excessive printing or wasting computer time.
5. Do not make unauthorized changes to the settings on computer hardware or software.
6. Do not use computing resources for playing games or for sending frivolous, obscene, or harassing messages.
7. Be aware that confidentiality and privacy are not guaranteed. Computer use is subject to monitoring.
8. Do not bring children, food or beverages into rooms with Central Carolina computers.
9. Do not use computing resources for private, recreational, commercial or political activities or to threaten, harass or intimidate others.
10. Vandalism, disruption or services, attempting to circumvent security measures, spreading computer viruses or worms, viewing/transmitting pornography, promoting hate sites, installing software or connecting electronic devices is prohibited.
11. You are personally liable for any copyright violations or unauthorized bills incurred.
12. You are responsible for any damages incurred by inappropriate use of computing resources.

Disturbing Schools Law For South Carolina

Disturbing Schools Law for South Carolina
SECTION 12. Section 16-17-420 of the 1976 Code:
“Section 16-17-420.
(A) It shall be unlawful:

(1) For any person willfully or unnecessarily  (a) to interfere with or to disturb in any way or in any place the students or teachers of any school or college in this State, (b) to loiter about such school or college premises or (c) to act in an obnoxious manner thereon; or

(2) For any person to (a) enter upon any such school or college premises or (b) loiter around the premises, except on business, without the permission of the principal or president in charge.

(B) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than ninety days.

(C) The summary courts are vested with jurisdiction to hear and dispose of cases involving a violation of this section. If the person is a child as defined by Section 63-19-20, jurisdiction must remain vested in the Family Court.”

Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages and Weapons

Drugs, alcohol, and weapons of any kind including firearms are not permitted on the campus of Central Carolina Technical College. Violators are subject to prosecution under state law and College policy.


South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services

It is the policy of the South Carolina Technical College System and Central Carolina Technical College to provide a drug free, healthful, safe and secure work and educational environment. Students are required and expected to report to their on campus work, class, or student activities in appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their respective roles.

The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of narcotics, drugs, other controlled substances or alcohol at the workplace or educational setting. Unlawful for these purposes means in violation of federal/state/local regulations, policy, procedures, rules, as well as legal statutes. Educational setting includes both institutional premises and approved educational sites off campus.

Students must abide by the policy on alcohol and drug use as well as related procedures, statements, laws, and guidelines. Violation of any provision may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from campus employment and expulsion from the College. Violations may also lead to further legal consequences consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. Action taken against students who violate the drug and alcohol policy will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct which is detailed in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Drug and/or alcohol abuse in the workplace or educational setting is dangerous because it leads to physical impairment, loss of judgment, safety violations, risk of injury, and poor health or even death. It can lower performance on the job or in the classroom, thus seriously affecting students’ educational and career goals. The College recognizes that chemical dependency through use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, including alcohol, is a treatable illness. Central Carolina supports and recommends student rehabilitation and assistance programs and encourages students to use such programs.
Assistance programs in the College’s four-county service area include:

  • Sumter Behavioral Health Services, 115 N. Harvin Street, Sumter, SC, 803-775-6815
  • Alpha Center-The Lee Center Family Counseling and Addiction Services, 108 East Church Street, Bishopville, SC, 803-484-6025
  • Kershaw County Alpha Center, 709 Mill Street, Camden, SC, 803-432-6902
  • Clarendon Behavioral Health Services, 14 N. Church Street, P.O. Box 430, Manning, SC, 803-435-2121

For more information on drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs contact the Admissions and Counseling Office at 803-778-6605 or by emailing Additional information can also be obtained through the website of the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services at .


You are not permitted to loiter in the halls while classes are in session. If you are found loitering, you will be requested by faculty or staff members to go to the student center for relaxation or the library to study. Out of consideration for your fellow classmates, please comply with this regulation. For the protection of faculty, staff, and students, loitering is not permitted on the College grounds and annex facilities. This policy also applies to individuals who are not employed or registered as students at Central Carolina, while they are on campus.

Posting and Distribution of Information

All written announcements, advertisements, and notices intended for placement on bulletin boards or distribution around campus must be approved by the Office of Student Activities prior to being posted or distributed anywhere on the Central Carolina Technical College campus. Materials posted or distributed must be primarily for educational purposes or the general welfare of the students, faculty, and staff. Solicitation for the purpose of financial profit or personal gain is prohibited. All notices will remain no longer than thirty calendar days or no longer than three days following the event. Notices or informational flyers may only be posted on bulletin boards. They may not be posted on walls or doors at the College. Notices posted without proper approval will be removed and discarded.

Release of Student Information

The privacy and confidentiality of all present and former student records are preserved at Central Carolina Technical College. Student records are maintained and safeguarded by the Student Records Office. Each student has the right to inspect and challenge the accuracy of his or her records.
Separate files are maintained for records in the following categories:

  • academic
  • disciplinary
  • counseling
  • financial aid
  • placement

When justified by legitimate law enforcement needs, the campus security agency may maintain confidential records relating primarily to its investigative function.
According to the Family Educational Rights & Privacy of 1974, as amended, (FERPA) whenever a student has attained 18 years of age or is enrolled in a postsecondary institution, the consent to issue records and the rights of viewing those records are required of and accorded to the student alone. Therefore, only the student may view his or her record or request in writing an issuance of the record. If parents or other designated individuals wish to review or receive copies of a student record, they must have the student’s written permission to view or receive a copy, or the parents must provide evidence that the student is a dependent of the parents. A copy of this information will be maintained in the student’s record.
Central Carolina Technical College will not release information to any other party without written consent from the student except in the following cases:

  • Faculty members or administrators at Central Carolina Technical College may have access to a student’s academic record if they can demonstrate justification.
  • Release of student information to local, state, or investigative/law enforcement agencies will be permitted only to those designated by law.
  • A duly authorized representative of the College may release student information, which is specifically requested to lawyers for the plaintiff and defendant upon subpoena issued by proper court authorities.
  • Names and academic records of those students who graduated the previous spring may be forwarded to their respective high schools for statistical purposes.

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, certain directory information may be released for currently enrolled students. This directory information will only be released exercising extreme caution, so as not to cause harm to our students. If students wish not to have this information released, they must make the request in writing each academic year. This request must be filed with the Office of the Registrar.

Search and Seizure Laws for South Carolina

SECTION 59-63-1110. Consent to search person or his effects.
Any person entering the premises of any school in this State shall be deemed to have consented to a reasonable search of his person and effects.

SECTION 59-63-1120. Searches by school administrators or officials with or without probable cause.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, school administrators and officials may conduct reasonable searches on school property of lockers, desks, vehicles, and personal belongings such as purses, bookbags, wallets, and satchels with or without probable cause.

SECTION 59-63-1130. Searches by principals or their designees.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, school principals or their designees may conduct reasonable searches of the person and property of visitors on school premises.

SECTION 59-63-1140. Strip searches prohibited.
No school administrator or official may conduct a strip search.

SECTION 59-63-1150. Compliance with case law; training of school administrators.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, all searches conducted pursuant to this article must comply fully with the “reasonableness standard” set forth in New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 328 (1985). All school administrators must receive training in the “reasonableness standard” under existing case law and in district procedures established to be followed in conducting searches of persons entering the school premises and of the students attending the school.

SECTION 59-63-1160. Posting of notice; costs of notice to be paid by State; effect of failure to post notice.
Notice must be conspicuously posted on school property informing the provisions of this article.
The notice must be posted at least at all regular entrances and any other access point to the school grounds.
The costs of posting the notice required by this section must be paid by the State. No school or school district shall be required to incur any financial obligation for complying with the notice requirements contained in this section. The failure to post the notice provided in this section shall not constitute a defense to any civil action or criminal prosecution and shall not constitute grounds for any legal liability.

Student Appearance Statement

As part of its mission, Central Carolina Technical College recognizes the importance of preparing students for the workplace and the importance of maintaining an appropriate learning environment that connects the classroom to the workplace. In support of this recognition, Central Carolina Technical College encourages its students to dress in such a manner that is respectful of others, representative of the workplace, and promotes a positive learning environment as supported in the SC Technical College Student Code of Conduct. Students are expected to dress in a manner which is not offensive to others, does not endanger their personal safety, and does not cause an unnecessary disruption of the educational process. Proper attire may vary between departments depending on safety regulations, professional standards, and hygienic requirements.

Student Code of Conduct

It is the policy of Central Carolina Technical college to govern student conduct and guarantee due process procedures for students in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Grievance Procedure set forth by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education.  If you have questions regarding these polices, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at (803) 778-7855.

Click the following links for the PDF documents:

Tobacco Free Campus

It is the policy of Central Carolina to prohibit the use of any tobacco product or e-cigarette on all College-owned, operated, occupied, controlled, or leased property. This includes all buildings, facilities, and grounds whether or not signs are posted. This includes, but is not limited to: buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, and other outdoor passageways, green spaces, and common areas, as well as College vehicles and personal vehicles while on College property. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to fines and disciplinary action.

Use of Electronic Devices/Phones

Public telephones are provided for your use in the student center. You are not permitted to use the College’s telephones for personal calls. You are cautioned against having family and friends call during class time since you will be called out of class only to receive emergency messages.

Central Carolina Technical College’s faculty, staff, and administration support an effective learning environment by placing a limitation on the use of electronic devices such as cell phones and pagers. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones or pagers in an “active” mode that will create a noise or disruption to the class, lab, or clinical environment during the instructional time under any circumstances unless a college emergency exists, and the student needs security or assistance. In addition, if a student chooses to leave the classroom, lab, or clinical environment to receive a call or respond to a pager, the student may be counted absent unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, and/or it is later determined that a bonafide emergency existed. Emergencies generally involve serious medical situations, accidents, and incidents where a person’s presence or communication is crucial. The use of laptop or notebook computers is at the discretion of the faculty member but may be allowed for instructional purposes. Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.

If you need further assistance in regards to any of the policies or procedures covered above, please contact one of the following:

Lisa Bracken

Vice President for Student Affairs

(803) 778-6652, ext. 252


Rebecca Small

Administrative Coordinator, Student Affairs

(803) 778-7855, ext. 455
