How To Study – How to Study is a website full of resources that are free and available to students to assist with study planning, test taking, note taking, and writing papers specifically for different college disciplines. Study smarter, not harder.

Taking Notes  – Learn the Cornell method of note taking to condense and organize your notes.

Learning Styles – VARK is a simple assessment  that will assist you in determining your learning style. Information is provided on how to implement your learning preferences within your academic experience.

Getting Organized – Need to get organized for the semester? This online guide provides information on how to take the first steps and save your semester.

Assignment Planner –  Need to get organized for your next assignment? Plot your timeline for your assignment using this online tool.

Time Management –  This online guide provides information on building time management skills.

Manage Procrastination – Is procrastination a problem that is impacting areas in your life? This online checklist can help you determine if procrastination is a problem for you.

Active Learning – This online guide provides information on what active learning is and how to engage in these activities.

Study Habits – This online guide provides information on developing effective study habits.

Test Taking Tips – Tests can be a difficult part of the college experience. This online guide provides tips for test taking.

Stress Management – Learn to manage stress. Check out the short description readings on stress management.

Study Spaces – Finding the right study space is almost as critical as studying! This exercise provides tips for determining the right study space for you.