Biological Wastewater

Review courses are intended for wastewater operators desiring to earn continuing education credit to maintain their operator certification and who ...
Short Schools are intensive training sessions designed as a comprehensive overview for operators of wastewater treatment facilities who are preparing ...

Math Courses

This 12-hour math course is beneficial for water and wastewater operators. The course involves practicing math calculations that apply to ...
This 6-hour math course is beneficial for water and wastewater operators. The course involves practicing math calculations that apply to ...

Online Courses

Work at your own pace while sharpening your operating skills. These courses include glossaries, videos, visual aids, and practice quizzes ...
These courses are designed to supplement the continuing education requirements for water / wastewater operators and increase the basic skills ...
This 12-hour advanced math course is beneficial for water and wastewater operators who are preparing for an advanced level state ...
This 12-hour introductory math course is beneficial for water and wastewater operators who are preparing for a basic level state ...
This 10-hour course is designed for persons responsible for operating or managing swimming pools and spas. Topics include: South Carolina ...
Online training is designed to mirror the face-to-face short schools, and provide students with the tools necessary to enhance operating ...

Operator Maintenance

This 6-hour course will cover the electrical fundamentals for wastewater operators. Topics may include; atomic theory & energy sources, electric ...
This 6-hour course will cover an overview of pump theory, types, components, and repair. Other topics may include a review ...

Physical/Chemical Wastewater

Review courses are intended for wastewater operators desiring to earn continuing education credit to maintain their operator certification and who ...
Short Schools are intensive training sessions designed as a comprehensive overview for operators of wastewater treatment facilities who are preparing ...


This 6-hour course offers specialized training in the handling of chlorine cylinders. Students will learn the hazards associated with chlorine and how to find and repair leaks. Students will also gain hands-on experience with the level A & B repair kit. This course meets ABC’s continuing education requirements for approved course topic criteria for water treatment, water distribution, biological, and ...
This 6-hour course is designed to meet the OSHA (29 CFR 1910 146) requirements for training of persons who must enter and work in confined spaces. This course defines a confined space, explains confined space hazards and preparations for entering. This program stresses the importance of safety awareness and hazard evaluation control. Permits will be written and entries will be ...
This 12-hour course course is designed to meet the OSHA (29 CFR 1910 146) requirement for training of persons who must enter and work in confined spaces. This course defines a confined space, explains confined space hazards, preparations for entering, and procedures for performing rescues from confined spaces. This program stresses the importance of safety awareness and hazard evaluation and ...
This 8-hour course covers loading & unloading, storing, transporting, packaging, labeling, marking, placarding, manifesting and emergency preparedness to accidents involving hazardous materials. This course meets the DOT renewal requirement as listed in 49 CFR 172 (must be renewed every three years) and the annual RCRA renewal requirement. This course can be delivered onsite at your facility. Dates and times can be ...
This 4-hour course will cover the labeling & marking shipments, placarding, packaging, and manifesting of hazardous materials. This course meets the DOT renewal requirement as listed in 49 CFR 172 (must be renewed every three years) and the annual RCRA renewal requirement.  This course can be delivered onsite at your facility. Dates and times can be scheduled at your convenience ...
This course provides an awareness level for employees who may witness or discover a hazardous waste release. This course covers the OSHA mandated 8 hours of annual refresher training for the 24 hour and 40 hour HAZWOPER. Topics include: legal overview, properties and identification of hazardous materials, protective equipment, use of instrumentation, and incident planning. This course can also be ...
This three-day course is designed for employees who respond to a hazardous waste release for the purpose of protecting property, persons, or the nearby environment, but is not responsible for stopping or cleaning up the release. Topics include: legal overview, properties of hazardous materials, use of respiratory protection and personal protective equipment, spill remediation, and decontamination techniques, and a dress-out ...
This five-day course is designed for persons who respond to a hazardous waste release to stop the release. The program includes intensive classroom and practical dress-out spill/cleanup exercises. Legal overview of regulations, basic toxicology, site characterization and analysis, monitoring equipment, spill mitigation, drum over-pack and repair, and full dress field exercises are included. This course meets the OSHA 29 CFR ...
This 10-hour OSHA course covers the role and function of OSHA, and methods of compliance based on the General Industry Standards. Topics include OSHA record keeping requirements, common violations/citations, walking and work surfaces, means of egress and fire protection, lock out/tag out, guarding, HAZCOM, etc. It is recommended this course to be taken every three years to receive updated information ...
This 30-hour course covers the role and function of OSHA and methods of compliance based on General Industry Standards. Topics include the Occupational Safety and Health Act requirements, record keeping, inspections and citations, hazardous materials, hazard communications, walking and working surfaces, egress and fire protection, machine guarding, electrical lockout/tagout, confined space entry, bloodborne pathogens, PPE selection, industrial monitoring, respirator standards, ...
This 6-hour course focuses on safety topics specific to the water/wastewater industry. Topics include: confined space, bloodborne pathogens, electrical hazards, hazardous communication, lockout/tagout, and personal protective equipment. This course meets ABC’s continuing education requirements for approved course topic criteria for water treatment, water distribution, biological, PC, and well driller. Call 803-778-6656 or email for more information. Cost is $125 ...
This 6-hour course will help reduce the risk of excavation-site accidents. The dangers of trenching and shoring and the responsibilities of a "competent person" will be discussed. Other topics include soil classification, protective support systems, general safety practices, and emergency response procedures. This course meets ABC’s continuing education requirements for approved course topic criteria for water distribution. This course can ...

Water Distribution

Review courses are intended for operators desiring to earn continuing education credit to maintain their operator certification and who are ...
Short Schools are intensive training sessions designed as a comprehensive overview for operators who are preparing for the state certification ...

Water Treatment

Review courses are intended for water operators desiring to earn continuing education credit to maintain their operator certification and who ...
Short Schools are intensive training sessions designed as a comprehensive overview for operators of water treatment facilities who are preparing ...

Well Driller

Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2023, every South Carolina well driller must obtain twelve (clock hours) continuing education ...