The mission of the Financial Aid Office at Central Carolina Technical College is to provide access and choice to students who without such assistance would not be able to attend an institution of higher learning. Financial Aid is available to all eligible students regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, or disability.

Office of Financial Aid

The most common reason students give for not coming to college is they believe they cannot afford college. However, most students have more than one financial aid option available. Please, look through this section on Financial Services, and let us help you find your way to educational success.
The Student Services Center offers assistance with all financial aid applications at any time during normal office hours.  No appointment is needed.  Bring in your income information, and we’ll help you get started.
Financial aid workshops are held each semester to assist individuals seeking funds available through various sources, or to maintain eligibility for current assistance. At these workshops, various topics, including types of financial aid, financial literacy, loan information, satisfactory academic progress, veterans concerns, and learning and study techniques. will be discussed. Workshops are held at different times and in different locations to accommodate a variety of student schedules.  Check myCCTC, and the plasma TVs on campus for details.

Do you still have questions regarding financial aid? Feel free to contact the Financial Aid office at (803) 778-7850, ext. 450, and you’ll find trained professionals ready to help answer your questions, and walk you through the processes. Need that face to face interaction? Stop by the Central Carolina Technical College main campus, and visit Financial Services in the Student Services building – the ’round building’. We are open Monday through Thursday, 8:00am until 6:00pm and Fridays 8:00am until 4:30pm.

To help ease the financial burden for South Carolina college students and their families, the South Carolina General Assembly has created an income tax credit for tuition paid to South Carolina colleges and universities. To claim the credit, a Form SC 1040 must be filed. When preparing the South Carolina income tax return, Form I-319 Tuition Tax Credit must be completed. This form is included with all state individual income tax booklets. For more information about the tax credit, please visit the South Carolina Tuition Tax Credit website.

Satisfactory Academic Prgoress
Financial Avenue
Financial Aid Contacts

Step 1

Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the US Department of Education. Feel free to come to the Student Services Center, Building 300, for assistance in filling out the form. A computer lab is available in the center for students and parents to complete the FAFSA.

Submit the FAFSA electronically at Your online signature will be made using your Federal Student Aid ID and Password.  Apply for a Username and Password at Electronic application increases the timeliness and efficiency of processing the FAFSA. Click here for additional videos about Federal Student Aid.

A FAFSA must be submitted for each academic year, which begins with the fall semester. FAFSA can be submitted after October 1st of each year. It is recommended that you apply as far in advance as possible. Some funds are limited and awarded on a first-come first-served basis.

Step 2

Talk with a financial aid counselor about grants, loans, or scholarships for which you may be eligible.

Step 3

Before you accept any financial aid, be sure to read the Financial Aid Memorandum of Understanding.

In order to maintain financial aid, you must make progress toward your academic goal and maintain a certain grade-point average to demonstrate success. Be sure to consult the Standards of Progress for Financial Aid outlined in the Student Handbook. Ask questions if you do not understand the requirements. You could lose all your financial aid, if you are not academically eligible.

IRS Data Retrieval Tool
One of the easiest ways to speed up your financial aid is to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. The Data Retrieval Tool links your updated tax information directly to your FAFSA.
Use these easy guides to help update your FAFSA quicker so that your aid can pay out on time!

Residency Requirements

The amount of tuition and fees you pay while attending Central Carolina Technical College shall be determined by your residency status. The rules regarding the establishment of residence for fee and tuition purposes at the College are governed by the Code of Laws of South Carolina, regulations disseminated by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education and by the Central Carolina Technical College Commission.

Central Carolina Technical College is required under South Carolina Law 59-112 to determine residency classification of applicants and students for purposes of receiving in-state tuition and fees. Substantiating documentation is required to affirm residency status. Additional information may be requested if further clarification is needed.

You must complete a residency declaration form. Admissions counselors will review the form to determine the residency status of the applicant.

Active duty military members and dependents must complete the residency declaration form and the appropriate Central Carolina military verification form.

Transferring to CCTC

Students who transfer to Central Carolina Technical College are responsible for having all FAFSA information sent to CCTC. This request can be accomplished at by adding our School Code (003995) to the FAFSA. A student must use his/her Personal Identification Number (PIN) to complete this transaction.

Students who are a recipient of the LIFE Scholarship must submit an official copy of his/her South Carolina High School Transcript and sign the SC LIFE Scholarship Affidavit to be awarded LIFE Scholarship at CCTC.
It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Financial Aid Office if he/she has attended another institution. Be sure to cancel any pending financial aid awarded by a previous institution. A student cannot receive federal financial aid at two colleges during the same semester.

Student Rights

Students have the right to know:

  • what financial assistance is available, including information on all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs;
  • the deadline for submitting applications for each program;
  • how financial aid will be distributed, and the criteria used by the College to select financial aid recipients;
  • how financial need is determined – this includes how costs for tuition and fees, room and board, travel, books and supplies, personal and miscellaneous expenses, etc. are considered in the budget;
  • the amount of financial need that has been met;
  • the school’s refund policy;
  • what portion of the financial aid package received must be repaid and what portion is grant;
  • what resources (such as parental contribution, other financial aid, assets, etc) are considered in the calculation of his/her need;
  • how the school determines if students are maintaining satisfactory progress, including the 150% rule, and how to re-establish progress.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for:

  • reading, understanding, signing, and accepting responsibility for all forms they are asked to provide;
  • completing all application forms accurately and submitting them on time to the appropriate office;
  • returning additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by the Financial Aid Office;
  • informing the Financial Aid Office of any additional assistance received for educational expense;
  • accepting responsibility for all agreements and/or certifications signed;
  • notifying the lender, if a loan is included in the aid package, of changes in name, address, or school enrollment status;
  • knowing and complying with the College’s refund policy and the Return of Title IV Funds;
  • notifying the Financial Aid Office of changes in enrollment status, including a complete withdrawal from the College;
  • complying with all application deadlines;
  • paying any costs not covered by financial aid.

To remain eligible for financial aid at Central Carolina Technical College, a student must make reasonable academic progress toward a degree, diploma, or certificate. Satisfactory Academic Progress is a federal government requirement and is measured by a number of factors including the following:

Cumulative Grade Point Average

  • A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 (C) or better to remain eligible for financial aid.
  • At the end of the first semester in which a student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.00, the student will be placed on Warning. Financial aid will be continued during Warning.
  • If placed on “Warning”, a student is required to meet with his/her advisor during the next semester of attendance and prepare a Student Progress Plan to outline the student’s academic plan for at least 3 semesters, if applicable. Students failing to submit will not be eligible to appeal suspensions.
  • If the cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00 (C) during the probationary period, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.

Cumulative Credit Hours

  • A student must successfully pass 67% of the cumulative hours attempted including DVS and transfer hours.
  • Students who do not pass at least 67% of their cumulative hours will be placed on Warning; any time a student fails to pass 67% of attempted hours thereafter, he/she is subject to suspension from financial aid.
  • If placed on “Warning”, a student is required to meet with his/her advisor during the next semester of attendance and prepare a Student Progress Plan to outline the student’s academic plan for at least 3 semesters, if applicable. Students failing to submit will not be eligible to appeal suspensions.
  • If a student receives a W, I, WF, or an F, the student does not pass the hours. These grades factor into the 67% completion requirement.

Maximum Program Hours

  • A student may only receive financial aid for a limited number of credit hours. Eligibility for financial aid is terminated after a student has attempted 150% of the hours required for his or her program required hours.
  • The attempted hours include all course work taken at CCTC (including DVS) and transfer credits accepted by the college.
  • The Maximum Program Hours measure is program specific.
  • A student transferring from another institution will have all credits accepted by CCTC considered toward the 150% maximum hours.
  • Students who are within 15 credit hours of the maximum allowed by their program of study will be placed on Danger status, and should contact the aid office if they will need more hours to complete the program of study.
  • If placed on “Danger”, a student is required to meet with his/her advisor during the next semester of attendance and prepare a Student Progress Plan to outline the student’s academic plan for at least 3 semesters, if applicable. Students failing to submit will not be eligible to appeal suspensions.

Waiting on more information from Ken for this section.

Return of Title IV Funds

If you receive financial aid and completely withdraw from the College, you are subject to the return of Title IV funds policy. The amount to be returned is based on the percentage of enrollment completed for the semester and the amount of financial aid assistance considered earned. Funds are returned to the appropriate programs in the following order: unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans; subsidized Federal Stafford Loans; Federal Pell Grant; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant; other Title IV Assistance. The College and the student are both responsible to return unearned financial aid assistance to the appropriate program(s). Information on returned funds is available in the Financial Aid Office. Students who do not repay the required amount will be ineligible for aid until repayment has been made.

Financial Avenue Graphic

CCTC has teamed up with Inceptia, a private, nonprofit organization, to provide online financial education to help you gain important knowledge about the basics of personal money management. You’ll have access to videos, tools, articles, calculators and much more. The quick start guide below will help you set up your account and begin exploring all that Financial Avenue has to offer.
Quick start guide | Access Code: xkjr72